Requesting a Purchase Order (PO)

You can request a Purchase Order (PO) as follows:

  • In the Yordex interface, go to the ["Spend"] page
  • Click on ["+ New Spend"]
  • In the drop-down select "Purchase Order"

Screenshot 2023-03-21 at 16.30.57


  • Complete the rest of the form. Details about each field can be found in this article.


Screenshot 2023-03-21 at 16.41.38

  • When finished select to ["Submit"] the Purchase Order. You can also ["Save as a Draft"] to complete it later. 

Screenshot 2023-03-21 at 16.43.03

Once you've submitted your purchase order, you may have to wait for an approval from someone else in your company, if this is how your approval rules have been set-up.