Supplier form fields

Trading Name

The name the company is trading under. If the registered name is different you can also provide that by selecting the tickbox.

Trading Address

The company's trading address. If the registered address is different you can also provide that by selecting the tickbox.

Contact Email

The email address of your main contact in the supplier's company

Company Website

The company's website

Company Type

Please check with your supplier the best value to put in this field. Or you can check the Company's House website for this information. 

Registration Number

You will find the required company's registration number here depending on the country the company is based in

VAT Number

The company's VAT number

Auto-Create Purchases

If selected a purchase will be created for every invoice from this supplier.

Customer Trader ID

The ID number of this supplier in your accounting system, contact us if you need this field renamed.

Supplier Currency

The default currency of your orders with this supplier. This can be overwritten when creating an order.

Payment Terms

Your default payment terms with this supplier. They can be overwritten when creating a purchase order. More information about payment terms can be found in this article.

Additional Supplier Details

This functionality is only available in the "Growth", "Premium" and "Enterprise" plans

You can add any custom field you want to the supplier form. For example, you can ask for additional contact details, additional company details, certificates, catalogues etc. Please contact us to set this up

Bank Details

The company's bank details. The format will change depending on the country you chose in the Trading Address.