Yordex Security FAQs

If you would like to know terms of specific partners, please contact us directly and we can provide you with this information. 

Otherwise, we have addressed some of the questions you may have below:


What protection is in place to ensure our funds are ring-fenced?

Your funds are held by our banking partners. You will have a direct contractual relation
with the partner(s) you are using and at no point does Yordex hold your funds. Should
anything happen to Yordex, your funds are unaffected and you can deposit your funds
back to your own account by requesting this directly from our banking partner(s).
Our banking partners operate under different licenses. Some of our partners have full
banking licenses and funds held in their accounts are protected by deposit protection
schemes like the FDIC in the US and the FSCS scheme in the UK. Some of our European
partners have Electronic Money Institution (EMI) licenses which are not protected by
deposit protection schemes but which will still be held in safeguarded accounts held at
fully licensed banks in accordance with eMoney regulation. eMoney funds are also
separated from the banking partner’s operating capital and in no way be considered to be
their assets.

For more detailed information about regulatory status and safeguarding of funds for the
partner(s) you are working with please contact us.

Can I limit what my users spend on cards? 

We can limit card usage both by amounts and by where money can be spent (“merchant” rules). 
There is a wide range of limits by amount which are all described here. These limits are configurable and if you require different limits please contact us. 
For some of our banking partners it is possible to create allow- and blocklists where cards can be used. These lists can both be at the merchant level and at the merchant category level. During implementation we will work with you to set up and refine these rules. 

Are you GDPR compliant? 

Yes, we are. You can find the details in our Privacy Policy

How long do you store data for? 

We will not keep your personal data for any longer than is necessary. We follow regulatory guidelines including GDPR, the California Consumer Privacy Act and VISA and MasterCard scheme rules on data retention. Details of how your personal data will be kept can be found in our Privacy Policy

What support do you provide when we are audited? 

You are able to download PDF statements and period-end balances for any time period up to 7 years in the past. You can download these statements from our Statements pages within your account by clicking on "Export". 

Terms and Conditions