Name of Terms
A unique name for these terms
You usually have to add only one payment. The only exception is for deposits, e.g. when you pay 30% upfront and 70% after delivery
Payment name
e.g. "Full payment" or "Deposit". This field is optional
Payment confirmed when
Define when the invoice should be sent. This has to be linked to an event, e.g. "order approved" or "goods ready for shipping"
Payment confirmed by
This determines who needs to approve the invoice. Options include:
- "Automatic when the order is approved" no separate invoice approval is required
- "Buyer" an invoice approval is required by the buyer (i.e. you). The “owner” of the order has to approve the invoice. If you want multiple people to approve it, please contact us
- "Seller" an invoice approval is required by the seller. This is only applicable if you use Yordex for sales invoice or if you have invited your supplier to join the system
Percentage to be paid
The % of the total order amount that is due. If there is only one payment for this order, this has to be 100. If there are multiple payments and this is, for example, a 30% deposit, specify 30.
Credit terms
How long after the invoice date you will pay the invoice. Select the tick box if you want those days to only start at the end of the month
Early payment discounts
Any applicable early payment discounts
Documents required
If any documents are required before the event can be confirmed, specify them now