How to switch a subscription to Yordex

A Yordex virtual card allows the user to have complete control and visibility over their subscriptions, ensuring they will never be billed for a subscription that ran over.

Switching a subscription to Yordex is very straightforward.

Step 1: 

  • Find the login details for an admin user of the subscription
  • On the website of the subscription you would like to move over check which card is currently being billed along with the amount and when the next billing date is.

Step 2: In Yordex

  • In the Yordex interface, go to the ["Cards"] menu
  • Click on ["+ New Card"]
  • In the ["Card"] section kindly choose 'Virtual Card' and follow the image below to ensure it's 'recurring payment'. This can be done by clicking 'here' at the bottom right as shown on the screenshot. 

  • Once in the page, see the image below with 'recurring payment' selected.

See this article for more details about virtual cards for a single payment
  • Complete the rest of the form. Details about each field can be found in this article.
  • For receipt date, enter the date you will next be billed as found on the subscription provider's website.
  • If you need to edit the order amount to ensure the card has enough money for the subscription, click on the order select ["More"], click ["Edit Order"] then click ["Edit Order"] again at the bottom of the page.

When you're ready, click on ["Submit order"]. You can also "Save as a Draft" to complete it later

Once you've submitted your order, you may have to wait for an approval from someone else in your company to approve it before you can view the virtual card details.

Step 3: In Yordex

  • Once the order has been fully approved you will be able to click ["Get Card Details"] to view the virtual card details.

Step 4: In the subscription provider's website

  • Replace the old card details with the Yordex virtual card details under billing information.
  • If possible, set the invoice email address as to save you from having to manually upload the invoices. This email address can also be found under ["Email"] in the top menu where it will be listed under "Email us your invoice". Otherwise, you can also attach invoices to orders manually which is explained in this article.  

Managing your subscription (optional) 

  • If you need to edit the subscription amount to ensure the virtual card has enough money on it, click on the designated order, select ["More"], click ["Edit Order"], update the amount and other payment terms if necessary and then click ["Submit Order"] at the bottom of the page to save your changes.